Monday 25 July 2011

Ancient Cameiros

Today Paul actually had a day off so for the first time since he started work we had a 2 day weekend which was fab! We decided to go and have a look at the west coast of the island and headed to Ancient Cameiros via a scenic route which took us off road accross the centre of the island which was lovely and true to the word, scenic indeed, filled with pine and olive trees all the way.
First stop was Kritinia castle (above), Kritinia clings to the side of Mt Atavyros which is a fantastic sight in its own right.

Some views of and from the castle

from Kritinia we drove to Ancient Cameiros which is now in ruins but still an impressive sight. It would sometimes be better if they labled things better out here so that you new what you were looking at! however som photos of the piazza, founstain square, temple of the gods etc

Finlay being a statue

me and my boy

We then drove back the scenic route again through the mountains but we clearly took a differet track to the first one as we came accross a lovely little church where the boys decided to cool off in the outdoor font/drinking fountain or whatever it was!!!

one of many churches you find about the place

thats nice :-)

Tuesday 12 July 2011


We have had a telephone line and brooadband (may I add very fast broadband) at home now for 2 weeks and since having it I no longer seem to have time to update the blog!

Spent the last couple of weeks endlessly unpacking our stuff which although we sorted it out in Reading, we still have so much stuff that we dont need and no where to put it! Currently all of the tools, my work stuff, photos, books, ornaments etc are on our roof terrace waiting for a home! We have about 3 months until we'll get any rain so they can stay there until then. That in its self is quite strange knowing that you are not going to get any rain infact the only thing that has been happening with the weather is it getting hotter and hotter! It was 44deg yesterday at 5pm when I left to collect Paul from work!

Went to the Magic Kingdom with Karen and Ailbhie yesterday for a day out only when we got there, they dont open until 5pm (the Greeks are mad its for kids!) so ended up in a taverna with a play area trying to avoid the sun!!

We have a pool licence so the only thing left is the electrcity which seems like a mess! the builder is saying he doesnt know where the invoices are for the house and we can not get an electric meter without the invoices, strange system but thats the way it is, so we live in fear that we will just get cut off one of these days (again)

Paul is now at 40 dives and has done some of his skills tests so thats all going in the right direction. I think a work life on the beach is suiting him!

Ive got as far as putting up some PT posters today but dont hold out much hope in this weather but we will see what happens, until then there is always chocolate!!!

so no major disasters to report, in fact all is well in the Villa Avreo ;-)

Friday 1 July 2011

The day has come ....... the container has arrived!

So Saturday was the big day we've been waiting for (1 month late).. the arrival of the container and naturally it didn't go to plan!

The previous Thursday I had a phone call to say that our stuff had cleared customs and I had to pay an additional 400euros for the pleasure of it being stuck in Athens for a week (storage) even though it wasn't my fault and I didn't want it stuck in Athens. I reluctantly paid it and it would be with us the next day Friday.

Friday came and went.

Saturday I had a call and they said they were coming and would be leaving Rhodes at 10am and arrive with us at 11am. At 10am I had a phone call telling me there was a problem and they would leave at 12am. At 12 I phoned them and they said there was a problem and would phone me back, at 2pm I phoned them and there was still a problem but they hadn't forgotten about me! At 3pm I phoned them and shouted a lot. At 4pm a bloke phoned me to say he was in Pilona where were we, I rushed off in excitement to meet them and guide them in. I parked behind them to make sure that they couldn't go anywhere.
Half an hour later they were still trying to open the container! I kid you not, 3 grown men were hanging off the back of it trying to get the bolt out! They had hammers and saws and whatever else I had begged and borrowed from the neighbours, eventually with a final blow of an axe it opened and the first thing I saw was one of our plants which amazingly was still alive after the 2 months it has been in the dark. There was then a heated debate about something and they started taking out the boxes and putting them on the drive, I think not so after a heated debate by myself they started taking boxes into the house. I was on my own as Paul was at work so they started using 3 doors at the same time and dumping stuff where ever they liked, I started chasing them round getting them to move things, some they did, some they didn't. I tried taking big things out of boxes like the chairs as they were meant to take the debris away with them but it wasn't quite working like that.
A couple of hours later we were surrounded by boxes, Paul was home and had got them to sign something saying they hadn't unpacked so anything broken we didn't know about. We have managed to unpack quite a lot but there is still plenty to do, due to lack of storage so it is all on the roof terrace!

You may have heard of Greek time, but until you experience it you will never understand it!