Monday 10 October 2011

General life

So we have been here 6 months now so pretty much life has become normal so to speak.

I have a job working for an English company twice a week doing remote sales work using a VoIP phone and as im part of the network if I rang you I would actually come up as being in Manchester! I worked with Nick (CEO) about 6 years ago when nwix first started so when I asked him if he new of anything he offered me a job so that worked out very well as I do the 2 days that Finlay is in nursery. I also train a couple of times a week so am keeping my hand in with the PT and hopefully will do more of it now that winter is here.

Paul has almost finished work as the season is almost over. He has to sit his exams and a few more skills to be done but after a summer of hard work on the beach and almost 50 additional dives he is nearly a dive master. So he will amuse himself by building shed, fencing etc through the winter and fit in some relaxing :-)

The weather has changed this week big time, it is cool at night now, if you have a sunny day you could still sit out but you would wear a jumper now and we have a blanket on the bed!! Had a load of rain yesterday so was strange having our first sunday of none beach time! It is still high twenties though during the day and nov is meant to be lovely so we will wait and see.

Finlay seems to be having fun at nursery and understands Greek perfectly and is starting to speak more of it, he knows lots of words to say when he is fighting with them anyway!

So all in all, we are well and truely settled in down and looking forward to the change of season and seeing what it brings.

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