Wednesday 27 April 2011

The Greek Embassy

For those of you who have never visited a Greek embassy - you should put it on your bucket list.
I've been there twice now to gain a permit to import my car to the sunny Isle of Rhodes.  Let me try to paint a picture for you.  Holland Park is a rich very well kept area with an abundance of foreign embassies there - all in large white beautiful buildings.  Nestled amongst them is a brick edifice that belongs in the sixties.  Inside its like stepping back to the 60's in terms of fixtures and fitments.  So you queue up an alley way (no really!) to get in.  Then you are in the back garden where they have attached 2 offices - one for residency permits and the other for business and vehicle permits.  There is no way to distingsuish which office does which from the outside and I queued patiently for 35 minutes in th eworng one on my first visit.  Still its only part of your life.
Its chaos and not really organised either!  They have a set of mill boards that they write your name on then call you randomly and not in order.  The scurity door is wedged open and they all talk at a million miles an hour, poke each other and rant rant rant gesticulating like people having a fit!  You sit down and show them the documents they have listed on their web site and then they hit you with it.
Where is your wifes and sons passports?  But they are not on the list you say.  A shrug and they say we need them its the law.  So I get them to write me a list of what I must bring. and go home.  £44 wasted of fares.
Second go - Later! 

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