Friday 6 May 2011

We are here!

Well we are all here now! sorry for delay in update but would have been hard doing this from my phone but have just discovered that Finlays favourite cafe (Donald duck outside) has 2 pc's with Internet access

So Finlay, the cats and I arrived last Saturday night about 10pm, it was quite bizarre stood waiting for the luggage and out popped Foxy and Jack on the carousel!! after a few adjustments to the car I had hired I managed to squeeze everything in and off we set! Once at the house I managed to sort the cats and Finlay out by midnight and then fell into bed myself around 1am!

Sunday morning awoke all excited opened the shutters and it was raining!! was not impressed and thats how it continued for the rest of the day so we did super market shopping and house stuff.
Monday very cloudy so i ventured to Rhodes city to sort my bank card out which had stopped working, what you have to understand about the city is there are no cars parks, so after doing a couple of laps I found a space and then even though it was quite chilly got very hot and flustered trying to reverse park a car on wrong side of road with controls on wrong side of car lol, anyway I managed it with not too big a traffic jam behind me! walked into bank and copied other people by taking a ticket and sitting and waiting for something to happen after about 10 mins I asked a bloke at a desk who said no problem sit down and we make new card now, 10 minutes later I had a new card and pin number!
Phoned the lawyer to enquire about tax numbers and she said to go and see her in half an hour so amazingly I managed to find the building from memory and entered bedlam with her on her mobile, talking to me as a client, her nephew on her lap and her sister yapping away! interesting but another success and walked out with tax numbers and copy of house contract so I was then able to wonder for a couple of hours looking for OTE which is the telephone provider, I found it in the end (after walking past it twice thinking it was a cash and carry!) ordered phone and broadband which they said would be a week and to fax a copy of my passport
Tuesday - located post office in Lindos to try and fax copy of passport to OTE but they has given me wrong fax number! so tried to buy a po box while there but after the bloke trying his keys and failing he got stressed and asked me to come back later! I am yet to return! instead i drove back to Rhodes and handed it over myself, we will see if a week is a week or not!

Paul arrived yesterday (Thursday) 2 days early after a good trip over and I will leave him to tell his tales on this but he is in 1 piece and arrived with lots of wine and pasta from Italy ;-) so as it was hot yesterday we had our first bbq to celebrate his arrival

I have left Finlay with Paul getting the frogs out of the swimming pool so that Paul can clean it and get it filled up. I have had various arguments with the removal company, ebay and the estate agents in England so needed a PC to sort things out and I think I am just about there!

So i will make the 4 minute walk home now and see if the frogs have gone ;-)

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