Monday 13 June 2011

Hoops, Loops and Stamps!!!

The Greeks love their stamps and they love making things as complicated as possible! i think it must keep people in work!
I eventually got a phone call from the shipping comany the other day saying that our container was due to arrive in Athens on saturday. They explained that they had sent me an email with an attachement and instructions so up to the bakery I went. I have to fax them a copy of my passport, my tax number and print off a copy of a form, fill it in witnessed by police and fax them that! the first 2 are done now! karen let me use her printer so I have document. Thursday 9am, 1pm and 4:30pm, Friday 8am and 5pm, this morning (monay) 805am I went to the police station in Lindos to try and get the form witnessed and I havent found a police man or the place even open!! what is that all about!
I need a police stamp on my paperwork for the customs clearence and our belongers will go no further until I have this, the Greeks love their paperwork and we have no furniture...still!
There is always tomorrow and a different police station!

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